Desert Moon !!

It is surprising but true
And it happens for sure….
Some stranger entering with a "hi"
Brightening the dark with a light ray
Changing the deserted life
With full of hopes in trice ;
Showering the world with care
Killing all the hidden fear.
Then it will happen ……..
The kindest moving out
Leaving back in the desert , alone
To long for the full moon
Life would be a burden
Happiness collapsing all a sudden
Yet ought to live in the world
With miseries untold.
by a stranger!!
so true,
dont know why we depend so much on a stranger just to realise that in the end he will leave us alone . but then one goes other comes this is life and we better learn to live it this way.for the man didnt care nd thought before leaving once then why shuld we burn in sun.
jugni, at 2:53 PM
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